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Case Study: How to Overcome Tech Challenges and Take Your Business to the Next Level

Technology can be a small business owner’s biggest blessing or their biggest headache. In Carter’s case it had become a huge headache. He ran a franchise business and found himself constrained by a software system in need of customization, yet lacking the expertise and resources to implement necessary changes. His business was struggling with profitability, and franchise owners and customers were needing better support. It seemed like the existing system was always causing a fire that needed to be put out. He was at a crossroads many small business owners find themselves - figuring out how to make their current system work or conducting the daunting task of implementing something new. Here’s Carter’s story of how he worked with Code Shoppe to make his existing system work and ultimately improve profitability, customer and franchise owner support, and efficiency. 

The Problem

Carter ran a business with several franchise owners and was using a software system that needed customization, but he did not have the expertise or the time to customize it. He had to figure out how to make the existing system work since the only alternative was to implement an entirely new system, which was outside of his budget. He wasn’t the only one frustrated, his franchise owners were also impacted by the limitations of the existing system.

Perhaps some of these challenges sound familiar in your own business because the system you’re using isn’t cutting it anymore:

- There are errors on invoices ultimately affecting cash flow.

- Issues caused by the system are preventing you from providing your customers with the level of service you desire.

- Things are not running as efficiently as they could be. For example, you have employees out in the field and their routes are not optimized.

- You’re not able to provide the level of support that your employees or franchise owners need to be successful. 

Carter felt like he was constantly backed up against a wall, reacting to problems instead of being able to be proactive. He was overwhelmed, frustrated, and concerned for the future of the business. 

If you’re like Carter, maybe you’re currently stuck in a situation where it feels like there’s no good solution. Your existing system needs customization, but it’s time consuming to learn how to customize it and your time is scarce. Alternatively, there may be a system out there that will work for you, but it’s not in your budget and you would have to train your franchise owners and employees on how to use the new system. 

The Solution

Carter discovers Code Shoppe and schedules a consultation to discuss the issues that he’s facing and see if a solution is even possible. Code Shoppe presents a potential solution and phased approach that will help Carter address his problems while working within the existing system and remaining on budget.

Code Shoppe recognized that it was a mission-critical system and serviced it accordingly using the phased approach to address various challenges. They provided tailored software that improved invoicing accuracy and cash flow, and enhanced customer service and efficiency.

Carter appreciated that Code Shoppe approached problems from the developer and customer standpoint. They worked to truly understand his business. They were future-focused and the tools they developed actually solved the problem. They acted as business consultants first and developers second. Carter finally felt optimistic about the future of the business.

The Benefits

As a result of Code Shoppe’s work, Carter has avoided the use of multiple systems and can run a more successful business overall. Invoices are correct, improving cash flow. The quality of customer service is much better because the call center can better handle customers’ needs with streamlined processes and the use of one system. 

Not only has Carter saved a ton of time on tasks, but his franchise owners have as well. Carter can generate reports with the data that he needs to better support his franchise owners and make business decisions. He knows the revenue of each franchise, can track individual performance, and ensure royalties are correct for them. 

Carter started making a lot more money, customer service has significantly improved, and he’s seeing increased efficiency, retention, and conversion. The work done by Code Shoppe ultimately allowed for Carter to exit the business successfully.

Here’s what Carter had to say about his experience with Mark at Code Shoppe:

“Mark truly focused on understanding the business and worked with us as a partner. As a result of Mark’s work, the business made a lot more money and we better served our customers. We also increased efficiency, retention, and conversion”

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Growing Pains

Your small business is growing and now the processes and systems that worked in the beginning are taking too much time leading to overwhelm, frustration, and human error. If only there was more time in the day to get it all done. We've got good news, there can be! Code Shoppe helps small business owners, like yourself, get time back, increase productivity and customer satisfaction, and position your business for growth.


Code Shoppe is a business consulting service for small and medium sized businesses(SMBs). We specialize in process automation and integrating all systems into a single source of truth. We have extensive experience building software that integrates with QuickBooks and offer a free initial consultation.

It’s our mission to help you recapture lost or inefficient time!

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