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Woes - Inventory & Order Management

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Case Study: Transforming Your Business with Streamlined Order & Inventory Management

Frustration to Fulfillment: Tackling Inventory & Order Management Challenges

In the world of e-commerce, growth can happen fast! Many e-commerce owners face a common dilemma: rapid growth starts to outpace the manual processes that worked in the beginning of starting their business. Our client, Tyler, was no exception to this dilemma. Managing orders and tracking inventory quickly became a logistical nightmare when his current software system couldn’t do what he needed anymore. Here’s his story and how he partnered with Code Shoppe to stop the overwhelm he was experiencing and keep his business growing.

The Problem

Tyler's e-commerce business initially thrived and was growing rapidly, but as orders multiplied, manual processes became cumbersome and error-prone. He was selling his products on multiple marketplaces and working with multiple shipping vendors. Products were being oversold, logistics were challenging, and he lacked insight into the profitability of his business. There were bottlenecks in the processes that he was using in his business and it was keeping the business from growing. 

Do any of these challenges sound familiar to you and your business?

- You’re unable to see if you’ve been paid for every order sold on various marketplaces.

- You’re unsure whether all product damages were reimbursed.

- You don’t know if every order shipped or if any inventory was missed.

- You can’t easily see the data on the profitability of each product and each marketplace making it hard to find direction in your business.

If you’re like Tyler, you’re aware that these challenges are holding you back. You feel stuck in a catch-22 dilemma - your current system doesn’t have the capacity to do what your growing business needs, but you haven’t grown enough to have the resources to invest in a system that the large companies are using.

Tyler's need for automation was clear, but he lacked the resources for extensive enterprise solutions.

The Solution

Tyler needed to fix the temporary solutions to problems that had become permanent. He turned to Code Shoppe as a business consultant to help guide him in the right direction and discuss what can be done to solve these problems while staying within his budget. 

Code Shoppe provided a unique approach by serving as business consultants first, understanding Tyler's needs deeply, and delivering a custom software solution. Throughout the process, Code Shoppe was very hands-on and communicated frequently. They took the time to learn about his business and he could quickly tell Code Shoppe was different from other developers. Code Shoppe brought a deep knowledge of business to the table. As a result, they could see what was possible on the developer side, what was needed from a business perspective, and marry the two together to create a solution.

The custom software developed by Code Shoppe transformed Tyler's business.

The Benefits

As a result of hiring Code Shoppe, there’s much better tracking of inventory, a reduction in human errors, and a significant amount of time saved on tasks. Data is now in a single stream and easy to access, and he now has a clear view of his business performance through consolidated data. He could see information like the vendor marketplaces and items that are most profitable for his business. The custom software solution enabled him to make informed decisions and plan for growth. It’s also opened his eyes to other areas of his business that can be automated in the future. Code Shoppe not only improved Tyler's operations but also empowered him for future growth and potential exit.

Here’s what Tyler had to say about his experience with Mark at Code Shoppe:

“Mark was able to see the program design and also implement a business idea when I wasn’t able to see it. The most impressive thing to me about working with Mark is that you can tell him what the business problem is and he can solve it by doing the right programming.”

Curious how process automation is helping small businesses grow? Download our free whitepaper. To find out if Code Shoppe is a good fit for you and your business, simply complete the contact form below or click "Book a time now!" to schedule a free consultation directly on our calendar.

Growing Pains

Your small business is growing and now the processes and systems that worked in the beginning are taking too much time leading to overwhelm, frustration, and human error. If only there was more time in the day to get it all done. We've got good news, there can be! Code Shoppe helps small business owners, like yourself, get time back, increase productivity and customer satisfaction, and position your business for growth.


Code Shoppe is a business consulting service for small and medium sized businesses(SMBs). We specialize in process automation and integrating all systems into a single source of truth. We have extensive experience building software that integrates with QuickBooks and offer a free initial consultation.

It’s our mission to help you recapture lost or inefficient time!

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