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What is Business Consulting?

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Business consulting is a professional service that helps organizations improve their performance and solve business problems by providing expert advice, analysis, and recommendations. Business consultants are typically hired by companies to help them identify areas of improvement, develop strategies, implement new processes and technologies, and achieve their goals.

Business consultants may specialize in a particular area of business, such as computer systems, sales, finance, marketing, or operations. They may work independently or as part of a consulting firm, and may provide their services on a project basis or on an ongoing basis.

Consultants typically begin by analyzing a company's current operations, including its computer systems, work processes, how cash flows through the business, and organizational structure. They then identify areas for improvement and develop recommendations for how the company can achieve its goals. Consultants may also provide tools, training and support to help implement these recommendations.

Overall, the goal of business consulting is to help companies become more efficient, effective, and profitable by providing expert guidance and support.

Curious how process automation is helping small businesses grow? Download our free whitepaper. To find out if Code Shoppe is a good fit for you and your business, simply complete the contact form below or click "Book a time now!" to schedule a free consultation directly on our calendar.

Growing Pains

Your small business is growing and now the processes and systems that worked in the beginning are taking too much time leading to overwhelm, frustration, and human error. If only there was more time in the day to get it all done. We've got good news, there can be! Code Shoppe helps small business owners, like yourself, get time back, increase productivity and customer satisfaction, and position your business for growth.


Code Shoppe is a business consulting service for small and medium sized businesses(SMBs). We specialize in process automation and integrating all systems into a single source of truth. We have extensive experience building software that integrates with QuickBooks and offer a free initial consultation.

It’s our mission to help you recapture lost or inefficient time!

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